Summer Camp 2021
(Year 2, Electric BOOgaloo!)
June 21st - Sept 17th, 2021
ABDL Summer Camp is a fun and FREE set of activities that the Caregivers of Little Baby Boo Nursery provide during Summer. It started last year, when we missed interacting with our littles during quarantine. We had so much fun at Camp that we decided to bring it back for 2021.
The mission and goal of Summer Camp is to encourage creativity and self-acceptance within the ABDL community. This year, the theme will be Fairies! By the end of Summer Camp, those who participate should have their very own Fairy Garden. This page will be updated throughout the summer so that littles can go at their own pace.
Have fun!!
#ABDLSummerCamp #CampBabyBoo #LittleBabyBooNursery #LBBN
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Pretend this video says 2021, k? Thanks!
Virtual ABDL Summer Camp 2021
ABDL Summer Camp Week 2: Camp Boo Flags! A great littlespace craft for all ageplayers!
ABDL Summer Camp: Week 1 Activity
Welcome to Virtual ABDL Summer Camp 2020! Find out all about Camp Boo's littlespace fun for all!
Mission & Goals of Summer Camp
To encourage creativity and self-acceptance within the ABDL community.
General Rules
Must be 18 years of age or older to participate. Those who are underage and attempt to engage, will be banned and subject to incredibly bad karma: including, but not limited to, icky facial skin, smelly breath, one twitchy eye and their favorite stuffie being a gum magnet. Ye be warned.
To qualify for prizes, entries must be submitted in the appropriate social media thread.
Upon contest entry, consent is given to be republished by Little Baby Boo Nursery & The Littles’ Store (with credit).
For Any Challenges
Submissions cannot contain images of minors under 18 years of age or people who have not consented to being photographed, videotaped, or their likeness being used.
No submissions that contain gratuitous lewd or, really, just uncool stuff (feces, vomit, blood). You guys know what we’re saying.
We reserve the right to delete comments that don’t comply with the spirit of Summer Camp. This is a fun, loving event!! Damnit.
We reserve the right to amend or edit these rules at any time as we are the Mommies/Caregivers & are the bosses-of-you, for the purposes of this Virtual Summer Camp.
Week 1
(due Friday, June 25th at 11:59pm)
Summer Camp Adventure - #ABDLSummerCamp
Close your eyes and imagine what ABDL Summer Camp looks like. Is it in the woods? Is it on the edge of a lake? Does it smell like pine cones? What do the cabins look like? What are the sounds that you hear?
Draw a picture or write a story about the Summer Camp you just imagined.
Share your creation with us via social media and hashtag #ABDLSummerCamp (and #LittleBabyBooNursery for good measure).
Week 2
(due Friday, July 2nd at 11:59pm)
Camp Baby Boo (Diaper) Flag - #CampBooFlag
We had SUCH a great time last year looking at all of the diaper flags that everyone made, that we wanted to do it again this year! Instead of teams, though, we've decided to do a CAMP FLAG! Yay!
Download the Camp Baby Boo diaper image (or use a diapie of your own) and decorate it with your suggested motto and/or crest for Camp Baby Boo.
Click to open downloadable jpeg