Littles' Spring Fairy Picnic!!
Location: Little Baby Boo Nursery
Time: 5-9pm (click here for slumber party option)
Admission: $40 per person (*Caregiver rate)
Join us for the Littles' Spring Picnic! Come celebrate the beauty of Spring with friends old and new!!
We'll provide picnic snacks & desserts, arts & crafts supplies, games, toys, comfy blankets, stuffies, sippy cups, bottles, and non-alcoholic bevies.​
Bring your stuffies!!! They'll be a special craft and tea for the plushies!!!
Open to all littles and their caregivers! This is the perfect time for shy littles to come out and play! All of the Mommies of the Nursery will be there, so if you're alone, don't fret, you will be well cared for.
Dress code: come dressed as you'd like, just don't disturb the neighbors. :) Fairy clothing and make-up is encouraged!
Diapers are absolutely okay, but not necessary. We know that lots of littles are potty-trained and no longer need diapers. While a private area is available for caregivers to change their littles, the Mommies of the Nursery only provide diaper changes during private sessions.
Guidelines for Littles' Play Parties:​
Littles' parties are NON-SEXUAL SAFE ZONES and we have a ZERO TOLERANCE policy.
No alcohol.
No illegal drugs.
18+ only.
We reserve the right to refuse entry or remove an attendee from the premises.
Once you come into the Little Baby Boo Nursery, you are under the care of the Mommies and staff: they are the bosses of you and their say and rulings are final.
We are located in the Antelope Valley near Marie Kerr Park. Address will be sent upon donation confirmation.
If you agree to these guidelines:

Enchanted Fairy Sleepover
Location: Little Baby Boo Nursery
Admission: $60 per person (*Caregiver rate)
After 9pm, the sleepover begins!!!
Special fairy crafts & snacks • Movies
Popcorn • Snacks • Waffle Bar Breakfast
Chance to Sleep in Adult-Sized Crib
The night will be filled with fun, laughter, food, music, stories & crafts.
Open to littles of every kind - this is a safe and welcoming space full of love and acceptance for all littles!
Sleepover Guidelines:
BYO sleeping bag / pad, pillow, stuffy, clothing (including sleepwear), diapers, toiletries**
Food & drinks will be provided, but feel free to bring your own too!
All guidelines from the Littles' Play Parties apply (no sex, drugs, or alcohol)
Please respect that this is a SAFE LITTLESPACE - we reserve the right to remove anyone who crosses boundaries
If you agree to these guidelines:
** Contact us if you're unable to bring any of these items.
Caregivers at Play Parties
We wholeheartedly welcome partnered Caregivers at our parties. We know that sometimes it can be intimidating for littles to come out and meet other wee ones.
Caregivers are welcome, free of charge, as non-active attendees to our play parties. What does that mean? Similar to parents, we expect Caregivers to take a backseat to all activities and allow the littles to interact and play with one another. We ask that they be there merely as emotional support (and maybe help us run the party [please, oh please]).
That being said, if Caregivers want to participate, the more the merrier!!!! In that case, the normal play party fee would apply.
All Caregivers must come partnered with their little one.
Caregivers at the Sleepover
Similar to the normal play parties, we welcome partnered Caregivers to the littles' sleepovers. We request that non-active Caregivers donate 1/2 the listed sleepover fee (to cover costs). If, however, the Caregivers want to participate in activities & games, we ask that Caregivers pay the normal rate.
Fee Table (per person)
Play Party Sleepover Total for Play Party & Sleepover
little/Caregiver $40 $60 $100
Caregiver Free $30 $30