🌞Summer Love'n Quote of the Day❤️:

"LOVING YOURSELF... DOES NOT MEAN BEING SELF-ABSORBED OR NARCISSISTIC, or disregarding others. Rather it means welcoming yourself as the most honored guest in your own heart, a guest worthy of respect, a lovable companion." -Margot Anand
"Sich selbst zu lieben ... bedeutet nicht, von sich selbst eingenommen oder narzisstisch zu sein oder andere zu ignorieren. Es bedeutet vielmehr, sich als der geehrtesten Gast in seinem eigenen Herzen zu begrüßen, als ein respektwürdigen Gast, einen liebenswerten Begleiter."
Narcissists have an unrelenting need to be admired, they don't care about others' feelings, they can't handle criticism, & have a sense of entitlement. Here's a great article about 'em: https://www.helpguide.org/articles/mental-disorders/narcissistic-personality-disorder.htm
One of the main differences between loving yourself in a healthy way versus being narcissistic is empathy. Empathy is when you can understand and relate to what someone else is feeling or going through. While it's true that a lot of littles have an unrelenting need for love, we've found that adult babies are incredibly empathic. Sometimes so much so that they can become over-sensitive to their environment and what folks close to them are feeling.
The takeaway from today's quote is: it's okay to love yourself!! It does not mean that you're full of yourself!! WE think you're amazing... and so should you!! :D
The Caregivers of Little Baby Boo Nursery