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  • Science Boonies: Candy Coral

    Did You Know? Did you know that every material has a 'melting point'? This is the temperature at which the material undergoes a 'phase transition'. That's the sciency way of saying the material switched from one state to another. There are 4 states: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma! Typically, we don't talk about plasma so we're going to ignore it. Each state has varying levels of 'molecule density. Molecule density is how we quantify how close molecules are to each other! So for solids, the molecules are very tightly packed. For liquids, they're still relatively close but they can move around. And lastly, for gases, the molecules go all over the place! You might be wondering, "BoonBerries, how does this relate to anything?" - fantastic question! Molecules are the reason things heat up! So when we heat up the water what we're actually doing is giving the water molecules energy in the form of heat. When molecules get energy, they speed up and get excited (like littles when you give them candy :P). So if we think of ice, if I heat up an ice cube, I'm giving the water molecules energy, this excites them, and they move around. The more energy I give them, the faster they go. This is where it gets interesting! The faster the molecules go, the more the molecular structure loosens. This causes a sort of feedback loop since the more the structure is loosened, the more movement there can be. So for the ice cube example, the water molecules get excited and move around a bunch, this causes the structure to break down and the solid ice cube becomes liquid water. You are now one fact smarter, little one :) Materials: - Two cups of water - Six cups of granulated sugar - Mason jar(s) - String or skewer - Food coloring (optional) - Flavoring (optional) Instructions: Step one - sanitize the jars using hot water. Step two - hang the string or skewer from the top of the jar so it is approximately one inch from the bottom. Step three - wet the string or skewer and then roll it in sugar. Step four - bring the two cups of water to a boil. Step five - slowly (one cup at a time) add the sugar to the boiling water. Make sure you fully dissolve it before you add more sugar! It will take longer to dissolve each time you add sugar, this is normal. Step six - if you're using flavors or colors, add them after all the sugar is mixed in. Step seven - take the mixture off the heat and let it cool for 20 - 30 minutes. Step eight - pour the cooled syrup mixture into the jars then add the string/skewer that is covered in sugar. Your string/skewer should hang approximately one inch from the bottom. Step nine - wait 24 hours then check to see your crystal! Once you're happy with its size, take it out and enjoy! Big Boon Brain Explanation: Have you ever seen a jar of honey that's crystalized? When that happens it's because the glucose molecules have separated from the water, forming crystals. Our sugar mixture is what's known as "supersaturated". This means there is so much sugar it can't fully dissolve. That, unfortunately, can cause the glucose molecules to separate from the sugar mixture. You see, all the glucose needs is a starting point. The starting point can be an undissolved sugar crystal, an air bubble, or even a speck of dust, in the container! Once the glucose grabs a hold of the starting point, the crystallization begins! Glucose molecules start to separate from the mixture and form crystals. This leaves the remaining solution more diluted (it has a higher water concentration) than the original mixture. The crystals typically sink to the bottom of the jar and slowly make their way up. You can actually undo this crystallization by putting the jar in some very hot water for a couple of minutes the crystals will melt and redistribute back into the solution! Bonus: I apologize, in advance.....

  • 🐉 Day 24 - Draw Your Favorite (Mythical) Sea Creature! 🦄

    Today's activity is to draw your favorite sea creature. It can be *anything* - even something you make up! In fact, Ash challenges you to draw a mythical sea creature. ✨ Ash's challenge: "Let's draw together! Draw a mythical sea creature. It can be made up by you or do one that is already made. For example, mine is a finfolk betta fish person (look up finfolk - they are cool)! Just have fun with your drawing!" When you're done, post your illustration and your sea creature's name to your social media with the hashtag #CampBooCreature.

  • 🎭 Day 23 - Ash's Art: Costume Contest!

    🎭 Day 23 - Ash’s Art: Under the Sea Costume Contest - #CampBooCostume We are gonna start putting together a costume contest!! think of a sea animal you want to dress up as do it post about it! #CampBooCostume You might even win a prize at the end of camp! -Ash Entries due by August 14th at 12:00AM!!! If you don't feel like dressing up, you can dress up your stuffie and enter them in your place!! Coloring pages by Ash:

  • Day 21 - 🐚 Ash’s Art: Stuffie Mermaid Tails

    Day 21 - 🐚 Ash’s Art: Stuffie Mermaid Tails - #CampBooTail Today, Ash will be walking you through how to make the cutest mermaid tail for your stuffie!! Supplies needed: 🦪 fabric (this can be old clothing or a blanket you don't want anymore as well) 🦪 the stuffie that will be a mermaid for a day 🦪 a black marker 🦪 hot glue gun (or sewing stuff) 🦪 paper and pen 🦪 add-ons if you want them, like gems or a string of beads

  • ABC's & Ice Pop Heists: Chapter 3

    "...Too sweet she thought, and that made her suspicious." “Did they have the scissors?” Mommy Boo asked. “They said no, but they seemed a little too innocent,” Mommy Black replied. Meanwhile, Mama Buttercup walked in with Ryder on her hip. He was much happier after some cuddles and the promise of an ice-y pop. He was still mad Evie hit him, but no way was he gonna tattle on his new friends. Mama Buttercup set him down on the floor while she grabbed his snack, but was surprised to see so many ice pops missing. “Hey where’d all the ice pops go!?” she asked. “The box was full this morning, but now it’s half empty.” Mommy Boo and Mommy Black looked at each other, and then back out the window just in time to see Tag peek out and duck back in the fort. “Oh dear” said Mommy Boo, “It looks like some littles might be getting corner time.” Back inside the fort..... “Is mommy back inside yet?” asked Katie. “I don hear nuffin. Iz check,” said Tag. He peeked outside the fort, and saw Mommy Boo and Mommy Black watching them through the window. “Uh oh,” he said with wide eyes. “What is it?” asked Evie. “Mommy Boo and Mommy Black was watchin us through the window. I fink dey knows,” he replied. Just then, they heard the door open followed by footsteps on the porch. Once they heard the grass crunching, they knew a Mommy is headed their way. “We gots ta hide,” said Evie. The three little ones start running around their fort trying to find spots to hide. Thankfully, they built a bunch of good ones. They could hide under some blankies or even hide in the ball pit. It’s got lots of balls and even a window that you can see out of, but nobody can see in. And upstairs, there’s a pile of stuffies big enough to hide all three of the little friends, but it’s too dangerous to hide together. “Evie, Tag, Katie, do you three know what happened to all the ice pops? Or why Ryder was so upset?” asked Mommy Black. “hehe the ice-y pops is in our tummies” Tag whispered to his friends, but it was too quiet for Mommy to hear outside. “No Mommy, we no no nuffin. Hims probly juss cranky” said Evie. She wasn’t about to rat herself out to Mommy Black even though Ryder started it. “Hims was lookin for yous after nap and not find you, but we don't has da ice-y pops,” said Katie. “Yeah right” Mommy Black thought. She couldn’t make out what they were whispering, but it made her very suspicious that her littles knew more than they were telling. “All of you come see Mommy please,” she said. “But Mommy we’s playin,” whined Tag. “We gossa defend our ship from da piwates. Dey tryin ta take our tweasure” said Evie. “Yeah Mommy we’s busy tectin our booty,” said Katie. The littles broke out in a fit of giggles and even Mommy Black tried not to laugh outside the fort. “Hehe you said booty,” said Tag. When nobody came out, Mommy said to them a little more stern, “All three of you need to come here now. Your bottoms better be outside this fort before I get to three.” Mischief aside, they were having so much fun in the blankey fort, and none were ready to stop playing. “Oh shi-oot,” said Katie, “We really gotsa hide. She gettin mad.” “Don’t let Mommy hear you say dat word or yous gonna be in loads of twouble,” said Evie. “C’mon guys, quick!! Hide!!” yelled Tag. One..... “Uh oh. One,” said Evie. Tag jumped into the ball pit and kept an eye on the fort door through the secret window. Katie jumped into the pile of stuffies and quickly covered herself up. Two..... “If I have to come in there, you will all have a sore bottom,” said Mommy Black. “We didn’t do nuffin wrong!” yelled Evie. “Yeah Mommy we’s is bein good and yous interrwuptin,” said Katie. “Yeah!” said Tag. Mommy Black didn’t like all the sass she was getting from these littles and the longer they took, the more corner time they were gonna get. The last thing she wanted to do was climb around the blankey fort playing ‘Find the Littles’ in this heat. “2 and a half,” Mommy called, hoping they’d come out. “Two and free qwarters” Tag called from downstairs. “We not comin out,” Evie shouted as she quickly hid under a pile of blankies. Three. Mommy Black pushed the door blankets aside and entered their fort. She saw piles of ice pop wrappers and cut tops all over the floor. She was not happy that Evie, Katie, and Tag lied and obviously used scissors without permission. She didn't see the scissors, but how else did they get the tops off those ice pops? The next task was to find those littles. Mommies usually have a 6th sense for finding littles, but Evie, Tag, and Katie had really good hiding spots. Mommy Black would never find them as long as they stayed quiet. She started looking all around the nursery part of the fort. She looked under blankies, under the chair-case, up the twisty slide, and even in the ball pit. Tag held his breath and hoped the diapey gods would protect him and lead mommy away from his hiding spot. Thankfully, there were too many balls in the ball pit, so Mommy Black didn’t find him. She didn’t find any of them, so their bottoms were all safe. For now. Mommy Black left the fort with the ice pop wrappers as evidence, thoroughly convinced they had the scissors too. When the coast was clear, Tag jumped out of the ball pit and hurried up the chair case to tell his friends what happened. “Evie!! Katie!!” he called out. Evie peeked out from behind her blankie and Katie got out from under the stuffie pile to join him. “Mommy Black saw all da ice-y pop wrappers on the floor! She knows we ate dem!” said Tag. “Uh oh. What we gonna do?!” asked Evie, “We’s gonna get spanks.” “Aww I no want spanks. Mommy Black spanks hard” said Tag as he rubbed his bottom. “Maybe Mommy will just put us in the corner,” said Katie. “I no wike da corner,” said Evie. “Me either,” said Katie “but is better dan spankies.” “Yeah,” Tag agreed, “Maybes if we sneaks out da fort and back inside and act wike nuffin happened, we be otay?” The little friends knew they had to go back in the house soon. Even after all those ice pops, they were still quite hungry and their tummies were rumbling. “What bou da scissors?” asked Evie, “The mommies is gonna know it was us. Doze ice-y pops is weally hard to open wifout dem.” “But dey don't has pwoof we taked dem,” said Tag. The littles thought for a moment. Tag was right, but if the mommies take down their fort, they’ll find the scissors. “Give dem to me,” said Katie, taking the scissors “an when we gets inside, iz hides dem somewhere, but yous gots ta distact mommy.” Tag and Evie nodded.

  • Day 20: Katie-Pie's Korner

    What's new Korner Krew?!?!?! Can you believe we are already on Day 20??? This summer camp is flying by (or swimming? ya know...under the sea) anywaaaaay.... For today's activity, Chapter 3 of ABC's & Ice Pop Heists is now posted!! If you're not caught up, have no fear, chapter 1 and chapter 2 are posted here :) Your Task: It seems Evie, Tag, and Katie have found themselves in a pickle and need your help figuring out what to do Grab your thinking caps campers cuz our friends need a plan to get out of trouble....and QUICK! When you're done, show us what you came up with using #campboostory

  • Science Boonies: Air Powered Ship

    COLORING PAGE!!! Did You Know? You, babies, are probably wondering, "What does propulsion even mean?". Well, little ones, propulsion is when something is pushed or driven forward. What people usually think of when they hear "propulsion" is actually what is referred to as a "propulsion system". Propulsion systems are machines or mechanisms that produce "thrust(s)" that push an object forward. "Thrust" is just a fancy way of saying there was a sudden push in a specific direction. So when you get upset it's nap time and throw your stuffie in a fit of rage, you are thrusting it towards the ground. This goes without saying but babies, don't be throwing stuffies. This was just an example (no stuffies were harmed in the making of this experiment :P). Now that we know all of that, we can get to the actual "did you know?' section! If you've read the other two Science Boonie posts you'll know how much we love Newton and his laws. Just like with practically everything else fundamental in physics, Newton had a role in discovering and figuring out how to use propulsion to our advantage. Newton made a machine that is commonly referred to as the "Hero's engine". The official name is "Aeolipile" but that's hard to pronounce and type so I'm sticking with Hero's engine. Now, I'm not sure if he was the first guy to make this or if he made one after it had already been discovered but either way, his second and third laws were vital to the creation and understanding of how this steam engine works! Listen babies, this thing is really cool! He basically made a giant metal ball with two spouts facing opposite directions. He would fill the ball with a tiny bit of water and heat the bottom. The water would boil and as a result, the pressure builds. The only two exit points are the spouts so high-pressure steam shoots out of them and since they're facing opposite directions on the sphere, the ball rotates, rapidly. My explanation does not do it justice, please, watch this video to see how cool it is ( You now know about Hero's engine! You're going to be the smartest little one on the playground! :) Materials: A ballon A straw - if you can, get multiple straws with different diameters to test if your ship will go faster or slower. Duct tape or an elastic band Any other materials you want to craft a ship (paper plates, popsicle sticks, foam balls, etc.) A bathtub or basin of water Instructions: A friendly tip - make sure to test your ship regularly to ensure it can float so you don't spend a bunch of time trying to fix it, at the end! Step one - get your balloon, straw, and rubber band/duct tape and attach your balloon to the straw. Step two - craft your ship! You can make it out of whatever you want. Maybe you want to include a little sea monster or captain on your ship! Step three - attach your balloon and straw to your ship. Step four - blow up your balloon and place it in the water. Does your ship move? If not, it might be too heavy! Try taking some stuff off. Don't get discouraged if this happens, it's all a part of the scientific process! Big Boon Brain Explanation: It's my favorite time, babies! The science behind propulsion is so interesting. There are so many different types of propulsion and while they all rely on the same fundamental principles, their applications, and how they actually work, vary so much! Since I could go on practically indefinitely about this, I'm going to only talk about how the way we did it (using a balloon) works. From an energy perspective, the balloon is a bit different than the other means of propulsion. Usually, propulsion is chemically powered, or at least, chemical energy gets converted into kinetic energy. This isn't the case with the hero's engine (because having water go from a liquid to steam is a physical change, not chemical) but it is with rockets, for example. Rockets use mini explosions (which are often referred to as "combustions" or, if you're KatieBoon, "boon-splotions") to propel them. These combustions are chemically induced. With the balloon, we have elastic energy getting converted to kinetic energy. Elastic energy is when you temporarily "strain" an object. Strain is a fancy way of saying an object has been squished or stretched outside of its normal shape. An example of this would be a stress ball. When it's just resting on the table, it's a normal sphere. When you grab it and squeeze, it compresses. The ball is experiencing strain. What's crazy is when you let go, it returns back to its original shape. What in the boon is happening here?! Well, children, this is where things get spicy!! To explain, I'm going to use a different example, rubber bands. I'm sure we've all played with an elastic before. Sometimes, you get a little too into it and it snaps. Why does this happen? Well, babies, the elastic (as its name implies) has elastic properties. That means when it's underloading and or, experiences strain, it will deform. Once the loading/strain stops, the object will return back to its original state, just like the stress ball. If you apply too much force to the object, it'll break or at least be permanently damaged (this is commonly referred to as "plastic deformation"!). In engineering, we have a whole system to test different materials to find the point at which materials will stop being elastic and when they will fail. This system is called the stress-strain curve. I've included a labeled example, below. Please note, that this is a generic diagram, the one for highly elastic materials looks a bit different but this one is more informative :). If you're interested in learning more you can google the terms I included on the diagram to find out more about them. It's truly a fascinating field of research! Okay, back to the main point, the balloon. When we blow it up, we cause the balloon to undergo elastic deformation. This results in elastic energy. That elastic energy then gets converted to kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is energy that an object gains as it moves. We can see this in the kinetic energy equation [kinetic energy = 0.5*(mass*(velocity)^2)]. With this equation, we can see that as the velocity increases, the kinetic energy increases, rapidly. An increase in mass would also increase the kinetic energy but not nearly as much as an increase in velocity since the mass term is not squared. So, with the balloon, as the air escapes, the balloon gets smaller and smaller and as a result, the elastic energy decreases. We know from Newton's Laws, that the energy in a system is constant. If we ignore losses (because who the heck wants to account for that, boring!), all of the elastic energy should then be converted to kinetic energy. This is exactly what we see. As the balloon decreases in size, the ship moves. If we look at it from a forces perspective, it gets even spicier! Here's a thought experiment, if you blow up a balloon and tie it, then place it on a table, why does it just stay there? Why doesn't it move? It's a simple question with a simple but probably not intuitive answer. The reason it doesn't move is that the air inside is pressing on the balloon equally, in all directions. This begs the question, what if the air was pressing on the balloon unequally? What would happen then? That's exactly the behavior we saw in the experiment, little one! As the nozzle is opened (the balloon is untied) the rubber contracts and this causes the balloon to push air out of the nozzle. Additionally, we know (from our fav, Newton) that every action has an equal and opposite reaction. This means that while the air is being pushed out of the nozzle, the air pushes back on the balloon. This results in a net force forwards, causing the ship to be propelled forward. While we used a balloon to demonstrate propulsion, the same principles are applied to real-life engines!

  • Day 18 - 🎣 Ash’s Art: School of Fish

    Day 18 - 🎣 Ash’s Art: School of Fish - #CampBooFish Today, Ash will be walking you through how to make "schools of fishies!" Supplies needed: 🐠paper 🐠 scissors 🐠crayons

  • Day 17 - 🏴‍☠️ What's Your Pirate Name? 🦜

    This is super fun, behbehs! Arrrrrrr ye ready to find yer pirate name?! We've made this cute little coloring sheet for you to find it!! When you're done, upload it to your social media with the hashtag #CampBooPirateName

  • Day 16 - 👶 Behbeh Sea Creature 🦐

    If you could be any behbeh sea creature, what would you be? Print and color this sheet and upload it to your social media with the hashtag #CampBooBehbeh!

  • Day 15 - 🎏 Ash’s Art: Let’s Make Fin Ears!

    Day 15 - 🎏 Ash’s Art: Let’s Make Fin Ears! - #CampBooFins Today, Ash will be walking you through how to make adorable fin ears!! Supplies needed: 🦈pipe cleaners 🦈pen 🦈pencil 🦈paper (either construction paper or normal white paper and you can color in) 🦈glue

  • Day 14 🍇🌊🐮 Ash’s Art: Purple Sea Cow Surprise

    ABDL Summer Camp Day 14 - 🍇🌊🐮 Ash’s Art: Purple Sea Cow Surprise - #CampBooSeaCow Today is gonna be deliiicious, behbehs. Ash is taking us on a journey to grapey bliss!! Let's start making the purple cow! Your ingredients are: 🐮 grape soda 🐮 ice cream {any but normal you use vanilla) 🐮 a large glass (you can get a glass and put stickers on it or you can get a paper one and color it with crayon) 🐮 a spoon Directions: Scoop the ice cream into the glass Gently pour the grape soda over the ice cream Sit in amazement as you see the purple develop into a cow-print pattern on the side of the glass (also pretend that sea cows have cow prints) Drink the creamy goodness Take a photo of your Purple Sea Cow Surprise and share it on social media with the hashtag #CampBooSeaCow!! Check out more Summer Camp 2022 activities...

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