Unfortunately, we've been notified that there is another "Mommy" who has stolen our content. Our little Caitie Pie let us know about "Mommy Zoe."

Please take a look at our blog entry "Charlatans in the Mist." In it, we talk about red flags, safety checks, and appropriate behavior for professional caregivers.
Recognizing the red flag for this imposter is tough because she uses appropriate lingo (one of the key factors in determining whether or not an "ABDL Caregiver" is truly genuine); however, the only reason she does so is because she's stolen our content. And, she's tricky because her content on Instagram is hidden behind a privacy wall. Luckily one of our littles recognized the plagiarism and forwarded this screenshot.
Why is this a problem
Besides the fact that it takes us awhile to write our content and this is blatant copyright infringement, littles who see her post think that she's safe because she's using all of the right keywords. Now, it could be that she is a decent Caregiver but she's not that great at writing. But, seeing that she's stolen, verbatim, content from a pretty popular ABDL Nursery website, indicates to us that she's clueless as to how tight-knit our community is.
The Naughty List
Well, the good thing to come from this is that it's motivated us to create... the Naughty List.
The Naughty List is a big list made of little lists that we have in our files of folks who have been bad. Luckily there aren't that many. They consist of:
"Mommies," like Mommy Zoe, who have stolen our content or, like Mommy Sandra (see the Charlatans in the Mist post), who claim to work for us.
Retail folks who have stolen content from The Littles' Store (much less of an offence, but still irritating).
Folks who claim false charge-backs from The Littles' Store.
Littles' who have broken the Rules of the Little Baby Boo Nursery.
Keep in mind that these lists are made of people by whom LBBN/TLS has directly been affected. We're not creating a hit list of ca-ca heads from around the community. Also, it's important to note that, even though these folks are on our Naughty List, we still take privacy of ABDL community members very seriously. We will never intentionally post or out an ageplayer.
For instance, while we'll post social media screen shots about a scammer who is trying to take advantage of littles', we will never post real names of adult babies or diaper lovers who fraudulently claim charge-backs.
Please Tattle
We know that being a tattletale is supposed to be bad, but, for the love of all things good and fluffy, PLEASE TELL US if someone is using our content or if they're reaching out to you and saying that they're affiliated with the Nursery.
The only way that we can combat scammers is by communicating with others in the ABDL community. These fraudsters hope to hide in the shadows; they're counting on ageplayers to feel too much shame, or guilt, to tell other folks about their experiences.
Well, we say F them!!!
Sending lots of love & healing,
Mommy Boo, Mama Buttercup, & Ms Mommy Black